We the team of DBM India conducted A Drama Session by Shez from Theater Professional Education for our members of the Udaan Center. It Was a three-day workshop that was conducted to build curiosity in the students and will bring a change in their thought processes, help them to grow to make minor and important decisions in their life.
These activities gave a platform for the participants to reflect on themselves and apply the learning into the sessions, such as close eyes and listening to all sounds which you hear in the background can be used in stress management sessions in Life skills and Jasoos activities can be used for creative thinking, decision making and problem-solving.
These activities help the teachers to learn new techniques to conduct classes like name tag will know the student’s name from the 1st session; it can also be used in mathematics for teaching addition, subtraction, etc.
In these hard times of CIVID19 it will help the participants to understand the importance to think of what they have rather than always thinking of what they don’t have.
“We had a lot of takeaways and learning from this session that we can apply in our day-to-day life to make us live better and Educate others about the same.” says the Udaan Team.